Business Matching connects business actors with potential trade partners through needs analysis and networking events, creating mutually beneficial collaborations.
Read MoreExport Consultation provides comprehensive guidance on the export process, including legal requirements and global marketing strategies, to help companies enter international markets.
Read MoreInaExport Assistance supports companies in leveraging the InaExport platform, providing training and strategies to enhance product visibility in international markets.
Read MoreInquiry Distribution promotes your products to potential buyers in the global market by managing and distributing buyer inquiries to relevant business players.
Read MoreOther services include Trade Case Mediation, which offers dispute resolution with professional mediators, helping parties reach agreements without lengthy legal proceedings.
Read MoreKementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia sebagai pengemban amanah Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang (Perpu) Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 tentang Cipta Kerja Pasal 74 yang bertugas melakukan pembinaan terhadap Pelaku Usaha dalam rangka pengembangan Ekspor untuk perluasan akses Pasar bagi Barang dan Jasa produksi dalam negeri. Pada Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Republik Indonesia Nomor 29 Tahun 2022, Direktorat Pengembangan Pasar dan Informasi Ekspor, Direktorat Jenderal Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional (Ditjen. PEN), mempunyai tugas melaksanakan perumusan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan di bidang pengembangan dan peningkatan daya saing pasar ekspor, pelaku ekspor, dan pengembangan kelembagaan promosi.
Export Center Surabaya (ECS), as the regional extension of the Directorate of Market Development and Export Information, plays a role in optimizing the role of regional exporters in utilizing export opportunities, including the distribution of inquiries and Market Intelligence results obtained from Trade Representatives Abroad, the utilization of Free Trade Agreements (FTA), and export promotion. With the presence of Export Center Surabaya, policies issued by the Ministry of Trade can be delivered and utilized optimally by business actors. Additionally, information sourced from Trade Representatives abroad can be delivered accurately and quickly to expand the export market.
Maksud Penyelenggaraan Export Center Surabaya adalah untuk mengoptimalkan peluang pasar ekspor di pasar internasional agar dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para pelaku usaha ekspor. Tujuan dari kegiatan penyelenggaraan Export Center Surabaya adalah menyediakan layanan publik yang berfungsi sebagai tempat para pelaku usaha untuk memperoleh konsultasi dan informasi mengenai peluang pasar ekspor diantaranya buyers inquiry yang diperoleh dari Perwakilan Perdagangan di Luar Negeri, Market Intelligence, pemanfaatan Free Trade Agreement maupun promosi ekspor.
Surabaya, 16 Desember 2024 – Kegiatan berbasis offline dengan tujuan pendampingan IKM Berorientasi Ekspor telah diadakan di Kota Mojokerto. Bekerja sa...
Read MoreBogor, 10-12 Desember 2024 - Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pertanian (BPPSDMP) yang bekerja sama dengan Export Center Surabaya...
Read MoreSemarang, 7 Desember 2024 - DPP Gabungan Perusahaan Ekspor Indonesia (GPEI) menyelenggarakan kegiatan pelatihan ekspor di Hotel Park View Metro Semara...
Read MoreIndonesia is an archipelagic country rich in natural resources and has been known as a spice producer since ancient times.
Read MoreIndonesia is a maritime country rich in marine resources, making it one of the world's leading suppliers of fishery products. These fishery products are one of Indonesia's top commodities with great export potential.
Read MoreIndonesia is one of the world's leading producers of high-quality furniture products recognized globally.
Read MoreCoffee is one of the plantation commodities that plays a significant role in Indonesia's economy. It is also an export commodity that generates foreign exchange for the country.
Read MoreIndonesia has great potential in the food processing industry due to its abundant natural resources and diverse agricultural and fishery products.
Read MoreIndonesia memiliki potensi besar dalam industri manufaktur yang berkontribusi signifikan terhadap perekonomian nasional.
Read MorePerusahaan Terdaftar | Business Matching | Inquiry | Realisasi Export (USD) | Jumlah Konsultasi | InaExport |
4,630 | 14/77 | 18/123 | 107,934,196 | 179 | 93 |
No. | Topik Konsultasi | Data Konsultasi |
Kepala Pengelola Export Center Surabaya
Staff Senior Bidang Keuangan
Staff Junior Keuangan
Koordinator Tenaga Teknis
Tenaga Teknis Bidang Prosedur Ekspor, Logistik dan Kepabeanan
Tenaga Teknis Bidang Implementasi Hasil Perjanjian Perdagangan Internasional, Inaexport dan Hubungan Antar Lembaga
Koordinator Tenaga Pendukung Bidang Keuangan
Tenaga Pendukung Bidang Sekretariat
Tenaga Pendukung Bidang Kegiatan
Tenaga Pendukung Bidang Konsultasi